February 23, 2025  Login    

HSAA volunteer policy

Parent/guardian participation in the Association is imperative to the success of the organization. This can be accomplished by donating time or money.

At time of fall and winter sport registration, the parent/guardian will be asked to choose how to fulfill the volunteer requirement:

  • Option 1 – donate and buy-out the obligation
    • The parent/guardian can add a volunteer buy-out fee (Rule V, Section 3) to the sport registration fee. Nothing more is required from the parent/guardian. The 2023 buy-out fee is $75.00.
  • Option 2 – donate time
    • At time of uniform pick up (or another time to be determined by the Association and/or Sport Coordinator) the parent/guardian will be asked to supply a volunteer deposit check (Rule V, Section 3). The check will be held until the end of the sport season. The 2023 volunteer deposit fee is $100.00.
    • Each player’s parent/guardian will be required to complete one volunteer shift – a maximum of five (5) hours – per child per sport. Children should not be a disruption or distraction in the concession stand.  The expectation is that children under the age of 14 should not be in the concession stands while parents work. 
    • Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to, concession stand duty at the field, concession stand duty in the gym, as-needed field maintenance, as-needed building maintenance, camp volunteer.
    • Volunteer shifts are loaded in an online scheduling system at the beginning of each sport season, and a link to sign up is emailed to each player’s contact on record.
    • If a volunteer shift is completed by the parent/guardian (or an adult designee 14 or older) the check is destroyed.
    • If a volunteer shift is not completed by the end of the sport season the check is cashed.
    • Volunteer shifts must be completed during the sport season for which the child is registered. For example, a child registered for soccer must have a parent/guardian work during the fall season. A soccer parent/guardian may work a volleyball shift since it is the same season (fall) and vice versa.


  • Exemptions for the buy-out and additional volunteer shifts are extended to those currently volunteering their time to HSAA and include:
    • Each team’s head coach
    • Each team’s assistant coach(es)
    • HSAA Sports Coordinators
    • HSAA members currently serving as an officer
    • HSAA members currently serving as a committee chairman (i.e. Concession Stand Chair, Volunteer Chair, etc…)
    • Adult Referees


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